The Wellbeing Spectrum

Each component of wellbeing falls into a spectrum ranging from surviving to thriving mode. Below are examples of what it feels like to be at each end of the spectrum:

Body, Mind, Spirit: Surviving vs. Thriving

It's possible for me to be surviving in one component, while thriving in another. Below are examples:

Modes of Body, Mind, Spirit: Examples

<aside> ✏️ Reflection Question: What modes am I in for body, mind, and spirit?


What modes am I in for body, mind, spirit?

The Interconnectedness of Body, Mind, and Spirit

Body, mind, and spirit are closely interconnected - the health of one component will impact the health of others. When my body is weak and in pain, I more easily succumb to negative thought patterns and moodswings, which then leads me to feel more disconnected and isolated.

Fortunately, this also means that by building a practice to improve the health of one component, I can positively impact the health of another (eg. When I take care of my body by exercising, eating healthy, and having good sleep hygiene, I feel more grounded and positive, and a stronger connection with myself and others.)